Putting Our Values Into Action: Read for Those In Need

CEO David Doyle sent out a call-to-action to faculty and staff of Value Schools in January to respond to the issue of homelessness in Los Angeles. Since then, a group students, faculty and staff of Value Schools formed the Support for Unhoused Neighbors (SUN) Task Force. SUN plans and implements events to support our unhoused neighbors.
Everest Value School students today during the NVCS Read-A-Thon Everest Value School students today during the NVCS Read-A-Thon Everest Value School students today during the NVCS Read-A-Thon
Everest Value School students today during the NVCS Read-A-Thon
Students and staff conducted a Value Schools-wide Read-a-Thon to raise funds to help support the unhoused in our community. Value Schools has already raised more than $900 for North Valley Caring Services!
Before today's Read-a-Thon, and across academic disciplines, teachers developed lesson plans with a particular focus: to help students learn about the issues surrounding homelessness and develop ideas for supporting unhoused people in our community.
Downtown Value School students today during the NVCS Read-A-Thon Downtown Value School students today during the NVCS Read-A-Thon Downtown Value School students today during the NVCS Read-A-Thon
Downtown Value School students today during the NVCS Read-A-Thon Downtown Value School students today during the NVCS Read-A-Thon
Downtown Value School students today during the NVCS Read-A-Thon
SUN members have been working with North Valley Caring Services to help develop curriculum and awareness across our school campuses. Students learned directly from individuals and organizations who support people who have experienced homelessness.
North Valley Caring Services is a nonprofit organization serving the residents in the Northeast San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles. Since their beginnings as a soup kitchen more than three decades ago, they have continued to adapt their services to the changing needs of the community. Today, NVCS is a model center for community empowerment, offering a wide array of programs that enable residents to lift themselves out of poverty, while also encouraging them to build a vision for their community's future.
Teachers on the SUN Task Force developed curriculum within their areas of expertise that help our students understand the complex issues surrounding homelessness. Take a look at some examples!
Presentations Created for Students and Families to Better Understand Our Unhoused Neighbors
Ms. Patterson, Downtown Value School's Parent Coordinator, is helping our students and families better understand the realities of homelessness in Los Angeles. The presentation she created helps students make sense of the economic injustices many in our communities face, and provides an opportunity for them to do something about it.
Educating Ourselves and Our Communities About the Unhoused
Masked Self Portraits, UPVHS 9th Grade - In Ms. Butterfield's Introduction to Art class, students practice the technical and practical requirements of art and learn how their work can be a catalyst for social change. Students brainstorm and research issues they feel passionate about, and create social justice messages to bring about change through art.
SUN Work Sun Work
The issue is important to me because I think homeless people are being ignored now more than ever. -- Heydi H. There are many people who struggle to earn enough money to prevent them from experiencing homelessness.  -- Alondra A.
A special thanks to the educators, students, and administrators who have dedicated their time and expertise to develop the SUN Task Force:
Hope Boyer, Teacher, CCVHS
Isabel Patterson, Parent Coordinator, DVS
Natalie Sisto, Teacher, UPVHS
Elaine Ricci, Teacher, EVS
Quinn Butterfield, Teacher, UPVHS
Rhonda Hoffarth, CFO
Robert Poyer, Principal, UPVHS
Anie Aton, Human Resources
Claudia Godlewski, Principal, DVS
Scarlette E., Student, CCVHS
Angela Z., Student, UPVHS
Chataine  B., Student, UPVHS
Chanel W., Student, CCVHS
Josue M., Student, CCVHS
Omar V., Student, UPVHS
Chris Medinger, Principal, EVS
Nancy Lopez, Attendance Specialist
Joshua Julian, Communications
David Doyle, President and CEO